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This is my latest project.  I am too cheap to pay for hosting so I'm using a blog instead.

But you get the idea.  Anyhow a custom domain has finally been added.  So don't adjust your web browser.  The free blogger name has finally been replaced and is redirecting to a new custom domain name.  Well not really new.  I've has this name since January 8th of 2007.  I just never knew what to do with it untill now. Anyhow on to the story now.

Eating Healthy

Today's challenge of eating right and exercising is not the easiest.  Especially given the lack of options out there.  Cooking at home is also hard if you can't find anything worth cooking that taste good and is good for you.  Even if you don't care about taste as much as health it can still prove to be a very difficult challenge.

For example the "Trader Joe's" low sodium tomato soup is only 140mg of sodium per cup compared to the 750mg of the regular stuff.  But up until my visit to the Trader Joe's recently I had never seen anything low sodium before.  Or even under 200mg for that matter.

So even if I wanted to be healthy it is hard sometimes.  Unless I do it from complete scratch.  But that's hard and not everyone has the time.  And even some spices to my surprise were loaded with a ton of sodium.

But luckily I found a lot of stuff that is totally sodium free.  I know, yum... e .  Anyhow I'm going to share some of it with you today.

Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salute.


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